The Strange Story of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822
The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 is one of the most bizarre natural events ever recorded. The stampede of squirrels spanned over 50 miles and lasted for days. Accounts of the event vary, though it is said that hundreds of thousands of squirrels were involved.

The stampede has been documented in books, newspapers, and even local folklore, making it one of the most famous natural events of the 19th century. How many animals could have been mobilized in such a short period is still a mystery? While the cause of the stampede remains a mystery, the story of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 is a reminder that nature can be unpredictable and strange.
Possible Causes of the Squirrel Stampede of 1822
There are a few theories about the cause of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822. Theories regarding the cause of the stampede range from a swarm of blackbirds, a tornado, or a massive squirrel migration.
One theory is that a large group of blackbirds swarmed and took off from the ground at once, scaring the squirrels and causing them to take off. The loud flapping of the blackbirds’ wings and their sudden take-off would have startled the squirrels, causing them to start running. One of the challenges with this theory is that blackbirds do not typically migrate during the fall.
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Theory Two involves the migration of black squirrels. Squirrels are known to migrate when food sources become scarce. A migration of squirrels might have occurred in the fall of 1822, causing squirrels to take off from the ground and run. One challenge with this theory is that it is unusual for black squirrels to migrate in the fall.
Another theory is that a tornado passed through the area, scaring the squirrels and causing them to take off and run. This theory is unlikely, given that tornadoes kill squirrels rather than scare them.
The Extent and Duration of the Stampede
The extent and duration of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 make it a truly extraordinary event. The stampede spanned over 50 miles and lasted for at least three days. Indeed, there are accounts of the stampede lasting as long as 10 days.
The squirrels ran along the tops of fences, through fields, and even across bodies of water. One account said the squirrels ran across the Allegheny River. Another account stated that the squirrels were running across the tops of fences, scaring horses, and creating chaos on the roads.
The Aftermath of the Squirrel Stampede of 1822
The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 had a lasting impact on the community. After the stampede, the squirrels were scarce in the area, and squirrel hunting became rare.
One account stated that the squirrels left the trees bare, making them a nuisance to the area farmers. Another account suggests that the squirrels ruined the crops in the area by eating them. The squirrels’ activities in Autumn made it more difficult for farmers to harvest their crops.
Historical Significance of the Squirrel Stampede
The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 is one of the most bizarre natural events ever recorded. The event caused a stir in the media, with newspapers reporting on the strange occurrence.
Many wrote letters to local newspapers asking what had caused such an unusual event. Those who wrote letters to the newspapers were often searching for an explanation. Theories regarding the cause of the stampede vary. What is clear is that the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 was a strange and fantastic occurrence.
Impact on Local Folklore
The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 had a lasting impact on local folklore. There are accounts of the event that suggest a large number of squirrels passed through the area on their way to somewhere else. One account even claims that the squirrels were moving south to escape the coming winter. Interestingly, there are legends of how squirrels came to have black fur.
According to one legend, a large group of black squirrels passed through the area and were never seen again. One account suggests that the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 is responsible for the migration of squirrels every fall.
Ongoing Mystery of the Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822
The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 is one of the most bizarre natural events ever recorded. The cause of the stampede remains a mystery. The mystery surrounding the event makes it an intriguing topic of study. By studying the stampede’s various accounts, researchers can better understand the event and what caused it.
The extent and duration of the stampede made it a truly extraordinary event. The cause of the event remains a mystery. The Great Squirrel Stampede of 1822 continues to fascinate people today, making it an exciting topic of study for researchers.