What Do Squirrels Drink? Discover Their Hydration Habits

When you think of squirrels, you might picture them scurrying up trees or nibbling on nuts. But have you ever wondered what squirrels drink? Like any living creature, hydration is vital to their survival and well-being. In this section, we will explore squirrels’ drinking habits and understand hydration’s significance for their health.

three squirrels drinking water

Squirrels, like most mammals, need water to survive. They require water to aid digestion, regulate body temperature, and maintain brain function. While some of their water intake comes from their food, they must also drink water to stay hydrated.

So, what do squirrels drink? It turns out that they are not too picky regarding water sources. Squirrels will drink from streams, puddles, and even bird baths. They may also obtain water from their food, such as fruits and vegetables.

squirrel drinking water surronded by butterflies

Despite their adaptable drinking habits, squirrels still have specific hydration needs. The water they consume depends on the temperature, humidity, and activity level. For example, squirrels need more water during hot and dry weather and when they are active.

Now that we’ve explored some basics about squirrels and hydration let’s dive into the types of drinks they consume!

Key Takeaways:

  • Squirrels need water for digestion, body temperature regulation, and brain function.
  • They are adaptable in their drinking habits but still have specific hydration needs.
  • The amount of water they consume depends on environmental factors and their activity level.

Types of Drinks Squirrels Consume

Squirrels are known for being avid climbers and agile jumpers, but they are also skilled at sourcing their hydration needs from various drinks. As omnivores, squirrels consume a diet that includes a combination of plant-based and animal-based foods, which provides them with a range of hydration options.

One of the primary types of drinks that squirrels consume is water. Squirrels have a high water intake, essential for their bodily functions and overall health. They typically obtain water from various sources, including natural water bodies like streams, lakes, and puddles, as well as human-made sources like bird baths, fountains, and gutters. Squirrels have been observed drinking rainwater straight off leaves as well.

a red squirrel drinking from a pond

In addition to water, squirrels consume drinks rich in nutrients and electrolytes. For example, squirrels may drink nectar from flowers, providing them with energy and hydration. They also destroy the sap from trees, which contains nutrients like glucose and electrolytes like potassium. These drinks play a vital role in supplementing their hydration needs and providing them with essential nutrients.

Types of Drinks Squirrels Consume

Drink TypeDescription
WaterSquirrels obtain water from natural and artificial sources, including puddles, streams, bird baths, and gutters.
Flower NectarSquirrels drink the nectar from flowers, providing them with energy and hydration.
Tree SapSquirrels consume sap from trees, which contains glucose and electrolytes like potassium.

Squirrels also tend to drink sweetened liquids like sodas or syrups if given access to those, but it’s neither recommended nor healthy for their consumption.

Understanding the types of drinks that squirrels consume is essential for providing them with suitable options for hydration. Squirrels generally prefer natural water bodies like rivers and lakes. Still, if you’re interested in offering them a source of hydration, you can place a shallow dish or bowl filled with water in your yard or garden. Keeping your bird bath or fountain filled and running will also suffice. However, ensure that any drinking water that you provide is clean, in a hygienic location, and regularly refilled to avoid any breeding of bacteria, which could harm squirrels or other animals.

three squirrels drinking water

Squirrel Drinking Habits

Observing squirrels can be an exciting and entertaining pastime, but it can also be informative. One can learn a lot about squirrel drinking habits by simply looking closer.

Squirrels are known to drink water, but they are not limited to this source of hydration. They can also consume moisture from fruits and vegetables, as well as from insects and other prey.

One peculiar drinking habit of squirrels is using their paws to scoop up water. They dip their feet in water sources and then lick the droplets from their fur. This may seem strange, but it is an efficient method that allows them to stay hydrated without lowering their heads to drink.

Squirrels also prefer clean water sources, avoiding stagnant and contaminated water. They can detect water quality by smelling it and often prevent strong odor sources.

In general, squirrels drink small amounts of water frequently throughout the day rather than large amounts at once. This helps them maintain a constant hydration level and prevent dehydration, which can harm their health.

Understanding squirrel drinking habits is crucial to ensuring their well-being, and providing them with access to clean water sources is essential to maintaining their health.

Best Drinks for Squirrels

Squirrels have a few drinks they prefer over others, and it is essential to ensure they have access to these types of beverages. Some of the most common drinks that squirrels consume include:

squirrel looking at their reflection in the water
WaterSquirrels prefer to drink fresh water from natural sources such as rivers, streams, and rainwater.
MilkSquirrels may occasionally drink milk, but it is not recommended as it can upset their stomachs.
JuiceSquirrels may drink fruit juice but should be diluted with water to prevent excess sugar consumption.

It is important to note that sugary drinks such as soda or flavored drinks should be avoided, as these can have harmful effects on the health of squirrels.

One natural beverage that is recommended for squirrels is coconut water. Not only does it provide hydration, but it also contains electrolytes that can help replenish nutrients lost through sweating or other physical activity.

Fun fact: Squirrels have been known to chew on certain types of bark to extract water, particularly during dry seasons when other sources may be scarce. This behavior is often observed in red squirrels and should be considered when creating a suitable habitat.

Best Drinks for Squirrels

By offering natural and fresh water sources, coconut water, and other suitable beverages, squirrel owners can ensure that their furry friends remain adequately hydrated and healthy.

Hydration and Squirrel Health

Proper hydration is essential for a squirrel’s health and well-being. Water is as crucial to a squirrel’s survival as food. Without adequate water intake, squirrels can suffer from dehydration, leading to serious health issues such as kidney failure, lethargy, and even death.

Squirrels generally drink water throughout the day, often in small amounts. Their water intake can vary depending on factors such as air temperature, humidity levels, and the availability of water sources. For example, squirrels may increase their water intake during hot and dry weather to stay hydrated.

Squirrels obtain water from various sources, including lakes, streams, and rivers, and rainwater collected in tree hollows and other natural depressions. They may also get water from their food, such as fruits and vegetables.

Monitoring a squirrel’s water intake is essential to ensure they are getting enough. Signs of dehydration in squirrels include sunken eyes, lethargy, and dry, sticky gums. If you suspect your squirrel is dehydrated, you should provide them with fresh water immediately and consult a veterinarian if necessary.

Providing clean and accessible water sources is crucial for maintaining squirrel health. A simple way to do this is to provide a shallow water dish in your yard or on your balcony, filled with fresh water daily. You can also consider installing a bird bath or fountain to attract squirrels and other wildlife to your yard.

squirrel drinking water

By understanding the importance of hydration and providing adequate water sources, you can help ensure the health and well-being of the squirrels in your area.


By understanding what squirrels drink and ensuring their hydration needs are met, we can contribute to their health and well-being. Squirrels are a vital part of the ecosystem, and every effort should be made to maintain a suitable environment for them to access water sources.

Water is essential for squirrels to maintain their physical and cognitive functions. It is crucial to note that inadequate water intake can severely affect their health. As animal lovers and conservationists, we are responsible for ensuring that squirrels have access to clean and refreshing water sources.

The Final Thought

Let us all work together to create a sustainable environment for squirrels to thrive and flourish. We can positively impact the world by taking small steps to provide them with the water they need.

It is time to take action and make a difference in the lives of our furry friends. Remember, every small step counts towards making the world a better place for all living beings.


Q: What do squirrels drink?

A: Squirrels primarily drink water to stay hydrated.

Q: How much water do squirrels drink?

A: Squirrels generally consume around 1-3 ounces of water daily.

Q: Where do squirrels find their water sources?

A: Squirrels find water sources in various places, such as natural bodies of water, rainwater, and even dew on leaves.

Q: Do squirrels drink other types of beverages?

A: Squirrels may occasionally consume other liquids, such as sap or nectar, but water is their primary source of hydration.

Q: Can squirrels drink milk?

A: While squirrels are not lactose intolerant, milk is not an essential part of their diet and may not be a suitable source of hydration for them.

Q: How often do squirrels drink water?

A: Squirrels drink water multiple times throughout the day, especially during hot weather or when their activity level increases.

Q: Are there any peculiar behaviors associated with squirrel drinking habits?

A: Squirrels may exhibit behaviors such as dipping their paws in water before consuming it or even “sipping” water from leaves through capillary action.

Q: What are the best drinks for squirrels?

A: Natural beverages like fresh water, tree sap, or natural fruit juices are considered the best drinks for squirrels.

Q: Why is hydration important for squirrels?

A: Adequate hydration is crucial for squirrel health as it helps maintain their physical and cognitive functions and prevents dehydration-related issues.

Q: What can happen if squirrels don’t get enough water?

A: Insufficient water intake can lead to dehydration, which can cause lethargy, reduced activity, and even affect their overall health and survival.

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